Monday, August 15, 2011

lets get go BABYSITTING!!!!

just a quick lil get ready with me video. outift hair and makeup. to go babysit. it can also be used just for a neutral look of when you dont want to do to much to your hair on a lazy day.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

oh no! why youtube?!?!

ok so i had uploaded a random video consisting of about three different things haha talk about random. but says it violates terms of use which i dont understand!?!?! it was up fine for about a week then like wont let anyone, NOT EVEN ME! view it :(. so anyway, ill have to go start from square one and re-edit and upload it etc. and see if it takes it because now its not taking it if i try to straight upload :(( so yea. unless any of you have suggestions how to get youtube to accept it its back to the drawing board! aaahh imma go crazy! so if you already commented you will need to comment again im sorry. but its totes fine if you just say the same thing. its chill!
so yea thnx guys for your patience!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

OOTD! i went to see HAIRSPRAY!

so i didnt really say it in the video because i was so worried about being late but this was an oufit for going out for the night out to dinner with friends then going to support some friends in a play! :) i saw hairspray and it was fantastic!!
ps! oh and also leave vid. responses of your ootd! i think i said that...hmm???? ;D

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Haul! Target, Ulta, and yes, TOYS R US!! haha im excited.

just a quick little haul hope you enjoy and post your haul video responses!! :) i am not trying to brag just wanna show you guys what i got and what im trying.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July faves are up on time!!

hey guys july favorites are up! and i am sorry there in two parts it explain why in the first video. i do feel really bad and sorry if its annoying. in the future if i have alot to film i wont record it straight up.